A 10-year-old from Paisley has been making an impact in Scottish Ice Hockey, playing for his country and winning trophies for his club. 

Logan Cumming has had “a lot of success” playing for his club Lanarkshire Lightning as well as representing Scotland.

“He has been working really hard, we're really proud of him. For his age, we think it's a massive achievement,” said his mum, Caroline. 

(Image: Derek Young)

First taking to the ice when he was just four and a half, Logan and his team have now won back-to-back unbeaten under-12 league titles, along with two Scottish Cups.

Despite for the last two seasons being one of the youngest players in his team Logan has stood out, most notably, winning man of the match in this year’s cup final and coach’s player of the year twice. 

“When he was younger, he was very much ‘I’m going to score all the goals’, now he's learning that it's a team game,” said Caroline.

“He’s not a selfish kid, he gets involved with everyone, and he works for his team and puts 110% in every game."

Both of his parents are “enormously proud” with the highlight for both of them and Logan being a man of the match performance and goal against England. 

Caroline said: “We thought it was amazing he actually got to stand on the ice against England and sing the Flower of Scotland.

"We were absolutely emotional and buzzing for him and he was buzzing as well because he got to stand on the ice against our rivals."

(Image: Derek Young)

Travelling all over the country for his club and as far afield as Bratislava in Slovakia for Scotland, Logan has the full support of his parents and his younger sister Maddison Rose. 

Caroline said: “It's good because we all go together as a family. His wee sister, she just adores him, she thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread."

He has now set his sights on getting into the British-wide GB select team who often play abroad. 

His mum is sure the travel will only get busier and added: “His next steps are training hard on and off the ice for trials for Scotland again and the GB select.

“He's already been asked to make sure that his name's down for it, so he'll be trialling for that and then hopefully hear by the end of the year if he's in.

“We've been all over Scotland and England, so we've travelled quite a lot for his games. He's gone up to Aberdeen and Inverness.

“Then he’s been down as far as Leeds and Sheffield for tournaments and Nottingham as well.”

(Image: Supplied)

Support from Logan’s school, allowing for days off as well as the guidance from his coaches goes a long way in helping the youngster achieve all of his success according to his parents.

Sponsorship from local restaurant owner Sandy helped towards flights going to Latvia for a camp as well as promising Logan “free chicken pakora for life”. 

With the sport continuing to grow and offering a “family orientated and interactive” atmosphere Paisley may soon become home to more than one of ice hockey’s rising stars.