A planning application for 65 new build properties for affordable rent has been approved subject to conditions.

McTaggart Construction submitted the plans in July for 49 houses and 16 flats on the southern boundary of the M8 at Montgomery Avenue and Montgomery Road in Paisley.

The site extends to approximately 3.15 hectares of relatively flat grassland located on the north-eastern edge of Gallowhill.

The development will be arranged around an L shaped road layout, with a single point of vehicular access from Montgomery Road to the south.

The houses will include a mix of two-storey semi-detached and terraced units, and single storey detached and semi-detached units which are wheelchair accessible.

The flats, meanwhile, will be two storey four in a block units.

Areas of open space are planned with six areas where play equipment could be located.

The proposed SUDS (sustainable drainage system) area is located where there is an existing play area, but the site layout indicates that the equipment within this play area will be relocated to the open space area on the western boundary of the site.

The proposal also includes measures to mitigate noise impact from the M8 motorway, including a three-metre high acoustic barrier along the northern boundary of the site.

A three-metre high acoustic barrier is also planned along the eastern boundary of the site fronting Arkleston Road, and the northwest corner of the site on the boundary with Glencairn Court.

In their assessment of the application planners said: “Children’s Services have requested a contribution in respect of education provision at Trinity High School as this school is currently operating at 92% capacity.

“The contribution sought totals £190,400 and the applicant has agreed to meet the cost of the contribution.”

A total of 15 conditions have been attached to the approval granted this month.

One of these conditions relates to fencing, walls, gates, barriers, and any other methods of enclosure to be erected along the trunk road boundary.

This condition has been included to “to minimise the risk of pedestrians and animals gaining uncontrolled access to the trunk road with the consequential risk of accidents.”