Planners have made a decision on an application to subdivide commercial units and change the use of an old snooker hall.

It was revealed this week that the proposal, which was received by Renfrewshire Council in January and validated in March, had been granted subject to conditions.

Those behind the plans had been seeking permission to form a class 4 unit and three class 6 (storage and distribution) units on Espedair Street in Paisley.

The application also sought permission to convert the first-floor space above one of the storage units into a two-bed short-term let apartment.

This space was previously a snooker hall.

No objections were received in relation to the proposals.

Three conditions were attached to the decision to grant approval to the application.

The hours of operation of the storage units have been limited to between 7am and 9pm Monday to Friday and between 8am and 9pm on Saturday and Sunday unless otherwise agreed in writing by the council.

The two other conditions imposed relate to external lighting and noise associated with the development.