Residents of Renfrew have reacted with fury after a Remembrance bench in the town centre was damaged just 10 days after first being installed.

The bench, which was provided by the Rotary Club of Renfrew and installed beside the town’s war memorial, appears to have been damaged on the evening of October 17.

The newly installed bench besides Renfrew's war memorialThe newly installed bench beside Renfrew's war memorial, before being damaged (Image: Supplied)

Gary Louttit, president of Renfrew Rotary, recalls first noticing the damage on the following morning.

“I was in the town centre that morning, and I noticed the bench looked a bit odd from a distance,” Gary told The Gazette.

“I went over and saw that two of the legs were bent completely out of shape.”

Though the exact cause of the damage remains unknown, Gary suspects an act of vandalism. He said it was especially sad given that the bench had only been in place for 10 days.

“I was very angry about it,” he said. “It happened so quickly.

“I didn’t expect it ever to be vandalised, but for it to happen after only 10 days was quite a surprise - as well as a terrible shame. It’s just sad, isn’t it?”

Gary Louttit, Renfrew Rotary president, rightGary Louttit, Renfrew Rotary president, right (Image: Supplied)

Gary said the damage to the bench provoked a strong reaction amongst locals, many of whom were appalled by the incident.

“All of Renfrew seems to be up in arms about it,” he said. “People have been calling us from all over to say ‘it’s disgusting, something’s got to be done about this.’

“It’s caused a lot of stress in the town. People are saying that you wouldn’t expect something like this to happen in Renfrew.

“The vandalism has just shocked everyone.”

The bench after being damaged, with the legs bent out of shapeThe bench after being damaged, with the legs bent out of shape (Image: Supplied)

Gary says the damage has been reported to the police and the council, but he is adamant that Renfrew Rotary will not be cowed by the incident.

“We’re going to get it repaired,” he said, “at no cost to the council or anyone else.

“And frankly, if it happens again, we’ll repair it again. And if they destroy it or remove it, we’ll replace it. We’re determined not to let it bother us.”

Jamie McGuire, Labour councillor for Renfrew North and Braehead, called the damage a “heinous act.”

Speaking to The Gazette, he said: “It’s absolutely awful that someone would do that to a Remembrance bench, a complete disgrace. It’s appalling to see.

“By defacing this memorial, the culprits are disrespecting the memory of those who have given everything to our country.

“This heartless and mindless act tarnishes the community’s efforts to remember those who served and sacrificed for us all. It’s an insult, and the community of Renfrew is rightly outraged by it.”

Another picture of the bench prior to being damagedAnother picture of the bench prior to being damaged (Image: Supplied)

Councillor McGuire called for whoever is responsible to be brought to justice.

“Those responsible for this heinous act must be caught and held accountable,” he said.

“If anyone has any information on it, I’d urge them to come forward. We need to send a clear message that this sort of disrespect will not be tolerated in our community.”

The Rotary Club posted on Facebook about the damage on the morning of October 18. Their post was then shared on the Renfrew Community Council page, where it received a number of angry reactions.

“Absolutely disgusting,” said one group member.

“Utterly shameful,” added another.

One user commented, “I hope they find them and shame them."

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Around 1.45pm on October 18 we were made aware of damage to a bench on Hairst Street in Renfrew. Enquiries are ongoing."