A bid to put up a telecommunications mast in a residential area in Paisley – which has been the subject of a raft of objections – has hit an obstacle.

Mobile infrastructure services company Cornerstone had set its sights on installing a 20 metre pole and related equipment on a grass verge next to Ralston’s Penilee Road.

Agent firm WHP Telecoms, working on its behalf, said the site in question was identified as “the most suitable option” which balanced operational need with planning policy in a letter to Renfrewshire Council.

However, the local authority has deemed prior approval would be required – and has been refused – meaning a planning application will be needed to proceed with the development at this location.

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In a report of handling, the council explained its decision. It said: “In terms of siting, the mast and cabinets would be located on a grass verge that sits between Penilee Road and a footpath so would not obstruct pedestrians or vehicles.

“However, the mast would be located on an incline as Penilee Road begins to rise as it heads north.

“The 20 metre high mast would therefore appear unduly prominent when viewed from further south on Penilee Road as well as from Kinpurnie Road and School Road.

“Given the application site is within a residential area it is considered that the visual appearance of the mast would be unacceptable to the general amenity of the area.

“Prior approval is therefore required and refused to allow the full impact of the siting of the equipment to be considered.”

A total of 21 objections were received by the council in response to the application, which included concerns the mast would “overshadow” nearby properties and reduce their value, as well as potentially distracting drivers.

In its official decision notice earlier this month, the council added: “In terms of the assessment criteria of Class 67, it is considered that by way of its siting the mast would have a detrimental effect on visual amenity within a residential area.”