Plans to create an enlarged restaurant and bar, as well as new golf club facilities, in the grounds of a luxury hotel in Bishopton have been unveiled.

Planning permission has been requested for the alteration and extension of the Il Posto restaurant at Mar Hall as part of a wider masterplan to elevate the plush resort into a “world class destination”.

If the green light is given by Renfrewshire Council, the project would lead to the formation of an expanded restaurant and bar on the upper floor and golf club facilities and toilets on the lower floor.

That’s according to a design, access and heritage statement – prepared by architectural company Unwin Jones Partnership – which outlined the extent of the suggested works and included a series of artist’s impressions.

It said: “The proposal will provide an enhanced food and beverage offer for the hotel and purpose-built golf changing and pro-shop facilities for golfers replacing the existing changing rooms currently housed in the basement of the main hall.

“The existing building contains a restaurant area, kitchen, store rooms, WCs, a small office/golf pro shop and a covered, part-enclosed terrace area on the upper level with a storage undercroft below.”

The application – brought forward by agent company Turley on behalf of Mar Hall Hospitality – marks the next stage in a series of improvements at the five-star hotel after it was rescued from administration by Dubai-based outfit Dutco last year.

Work has recently been completed on the internal refurbishment of leisure areas, while investment has been poured into equipment and works carried out on the golf course.

READ NEXT: Council decide on plans at Mar Hall including 'cold water swimming pond'

In August, planning permission was approved by the local authority for the construction of 30 holiday lodges within the sprawling estate.

And attention has now turned to upgrading the culinary experience for visitors.

The architect’s statement added: “The proposals are designed to provide a greatly enhanced food and beverage alternative to the main hotel restaurant for hotel guests (including those staying in lodges), golfers and visitors.

“In addition the extended building will replace the existing golf changing facilities which, in their current location in the hotel basement, are poorly related to the golf course.

“The building will provide a ‘clubhouse’ building with golf changing, pro-shop and bar/restaurant all under one roof immediately adjacent to the golf course.”

A decision will be made on the application at a later date.