A primary school in Paisley has encouraged parents and carers to attend an information event in order to learn more about its Gaelic unit.

Children at the Gaelic unit at West Primary School learn their normal lessons while speaking, reading and writing in the Scottish Gaelic language.

This is an immersive environment for children and is known as Gaelic Medium Education. 

The information event is on Wednesday, October 9 at 4pm in the school. There is no need to register in advance, simply turn up.

Parents and carers will hear from headteacher Lynne McGinn, a representative from Bòrd na Gàidhlig – the principal public body that is responsible for promoting the Gaelic language in Scotland, as well as Innes MacCuinn from Comann nam Pàrant, an organisation that consists of a network of around 30 local groups that represent the interests of the parents of Gaelic speaking children.

Kirsteen Murray from Comunn na Gàidhlig will also be attending – this organisation also promotes the culture and language of Scottish Gaelic.

All children living in Renfrewshire are able to attend the Gaelic class instead of going to one of the two schools in their catchment area, if they so wish. 

Councillor Emma Rodden, convener for Renfrewshire Council’s Education and Children’s Services Policy Board, said: "Our Gaelic class at West Primary opened its doors in August 2022 and since then it has given children enrolled there an immersive experience, allowing them to learn the Scottish Gaelic language while completing their normal schoolwork.

"For parents and carers who haven’t experienced Gaelic Medium Education, it can be helpful to speak to an expert and find out more before taking the decision to register your child to start school at the Gaelic unit. I would recommend signing up and coming along to find out more.”