Howwood Primary School has received a generous donation of £2000 which has helped them to update and expand their digital equipment.

Prior to the funding boost from Virgin Money, the pupils were using outdated, slow computers that, according to headteacher Shirley Ormond, “definitely needed updating”.

New Chromebooks have helped the school to increase their digital resources as well as support pupils' skills for work and lifelong learning.

Youngsters will be using the new tech to develop coding, programming and presentation skills, as well as using the Microsoft suite.

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Mrs Ormond said that “the children are delighted with their new Chromebooks, especially now that there is enough to go round".

The funding was awarded from Virgin Money as part of a digital inclusion initiative, after a former parent who works for the bank informed the school about the scheme.

Mrs Ormond thanked Julie Philp and Fiona McMenemy, from Virgin Money, for supporting the application made by the primary.

They paid a visit to the school to see the money in action.