An application has been approved to change a former horse exercise yard into a community allotment in Erskine despite objections.

The plan, which includes associated landscaping works and the installation of gates, is for land to the south-west of 4 Park Mains Holdings, Barrhill Road.

The proposal was received by the Renfrewshire Council in June and granted this month.

The application site, which is located within an established residential area, fronts a road to the west.

Residential properties are found to the east and south while an existing allotment is found to the north.

The land is currently vacant and next to the Erskine Community Allotments which plan to incorporate it into their site in order to expand it.

In doing so, they plan to move the current boundary fence across the back of the vacant site.

According to the proposal, a gap at the rear would be left to allow the neighbour access to maintain their hedge.

Three objections were received in relation to the application from local residents.

Among the issues raised were that the gates would be out of keeping with the location, the development would generate noise, nearby roads would not be able to support additional traffic and parking, inconsistent drawings, the site may not be maintained in the future, the allotment will attract pests and boundary fencing should be provided.

Concerns were also raised about "overlooking".

In their assessment, the planning department said "the use of the land as an allotment would not be substantially different to its previous use as a horse exercise yard in respect of noise, overlooking or overshadowing."

"With the exception of the gates, the boundary treatments proposed would be no different to the boundary treatments that existed when the land was used as a horse exercise yard," they added.

Planners also said that "environmental health have raised no concerns in relation to noise or smell".

"The proposal would not result in a substantial increase in vehicle traffic and roads development has not objected on road safety grounds," they further stated. 

"Existing active travel routes could be used to access the site.

"The development would therefore be compatible with existing uses and would not detract from the amenity of nearby residential properties.

"The potential for the allotment to not be maintained is not a material planning consideration.

"Should the development attract pests, this can be investigated by the relevant council services under their statutory powers.

"The drawings were inconsistent with respect to the size of the gates to be installed. This has been clarified with the applicant, with it confirmed that four metre wide, two metre high gates would be installed.

"These are considered acceptable for the location."

When they made the application, Erskine Community Allotments said the expansion would allow them to accommodate additional users and that the works would include vegetation clearance and the construction of 24 timber raised planters complete with associated gravel footpaths to accommodate wheelchair users.

The group also said they were asked through the Growing Grounds Forum of Renfrewshire Council to take on this ground to reduce the number of people in the local area waiting for an allotment.

The existing Erskine Community Allotments site and the site for expansion were approved for community asset transfer on January 24 this year.

The area of the current allotments measures 7177 square metres with the planned expansion adding approximately 673 square metres.

The vacant site has been empty since 2014 and was last used as a horse exercise area with road scalping and woodchip and was left to go wild by the previous leaseholder.