A team of volunteers recently donated their time for a day at Action for Children’s Short Breaks service in Kilbarchan.

The Short Breaks service, also known as “Loom Walk”, provides young people between the ages of five and 18 with a break-away, including those with complex health issues or learning difficulties. 

The service is a safe and welcoming environment, acting as a support system for children to help them reach their full potential through communication, socialising and the development of life skills. 

The trip also enables their families and carers to receive a well-deserved break from the demands of their day-to-day role. 

A team of nine from Scottish Friendly, a mutual life and investment organisation based in Glasgow, recently volunteered their time.

They helped to tidy the service’s outdoor areas, including applying a fresh layer of paint to the fence and helping to paint and decorate the garden hut. 

The support was crucial for Action for Children who strive to empower young people with skills, knowledge and confidence to bring lasting improvements to their lives.

Jackie Flood, service manager, for Action for Children said: “The biggest thank you from myself and our team on behalf of our young people. The garden space looks lovely and fresh again.

“The gardener came on Friday and cut the grass, so it looks even better than when you all left. I am so proud of our little project, and it was a delight to share what we do here with Scottish Friendly.”

The investment organisation has provided support to the charity since 2023.

Karen Ness, finance manager at Scottish Friendly, said: “Colleagues from the Finance and Risk team had a fantastic experience volunteering in Kilbarchan. 

“We were keen to volunteer to provide tangible support to the charity, whilst getting a chance to learn first-hand what brilliant and crucial support they provide to the local community. 

“Working together, building relationships, and getting exercise out of the office were an additional benefit.”