Plans to knock down part of the B-listed former police station in Renfrew have been unveiled by Renfrewshire Council.

The local authority wants to demolish the rear portion of the Inchinnan Road landmark – namely offices and cells – and strip the front of materials that contain dry and wet rot.

Costs linked to shoring up the back, combined with a lack of alternative uses for the cells, mean it is not “economically viable” or “practical” to save and taking action would strengthen the development potential of the front.

That’s according to a supporting statement which has been submitted with the council’s application for listed building consent.

It said: “Renfrewshire Council is seeking listed building consent at Renfrew Police Station (former) for partial demolition of the building i.e. the offices and cells to its rear and an internal strip out of the front portion of the building removing any materials which contain wet and/or dry rot. The council wish to retain the sandstone element of the property for future use.

“The council consider the potential high costs associated with shoring up the rear part of the building, coupled with the lack of alternative uses for the cells, means it [is] not economically viable nor practical to save.

“Furthermore, by taking action now, the development potential of the (more architecturally significant) front section of the building would be bolstered; reducing the risk of losing the building in its entirety.”

The structure dates back to 1910 and was designed by Alexander Nisbet Paterson.

It was leased by the police until June 2012 before they moved on to new premises in Station Road.

Since then, the two-storey building in the Baronial Revival style has lain vacant.

The property has suffered severe deterioration in the years since, exacerbated by regular break-ins, vandalism and extensive water ingress.

Towards the end of last year, it was agreed at the finance, resources and customer services policy board that approximately £110,000 should be spent on urgent repairs and maintenance works at the site.

The local authority previously submitted an application to the Levelling Up Fund for a £20 million project to transform the police station and neighbouring swimming baths into a community hub but the bid was unsuccessful.

Discussions with architects and designers have suggested it would not be viable to keep the rear in any future development, the supporting statement said.

Instead, it argued, the focus should be on retaining and maintaining the front sandstone building because of its “architectural merit”.

It added: “The council concludes that demolishing the rear portion of the former Renfrew Police Station is justified due to its dangerous condition, economic impracticality of repairs/retention and potential for significant economic and associated community benefits through redevelopment.”

A decision will be made on the application at a later date.