Efforts are underway to bring live music back to a “totally underutilised” town centre bandstand.

Johnstone resident Rachael Smith decided to get live music back onto the town's historic landmark, which has adorned Houston Square since 1891.

“I’m in a ladies’ social group,” said Rachael. “We used to go to a pub in town called Rennies, which had live music on a Saturday afternoon.

“We’re all in our 40s and above, and we like going out in the afternoon and being home for tea time.

“Unfortunately the pub is now closed. I asked in a Facebook group ‘does anybody miss live music at Rennies?’ and got so many responses - many of which mentioned the bandstand.

“So I got roped into being the organiser for bringing music back to the bandstand!”

Local resident Rachael Smith, with Johnstone Sound secretary Alisdair Connell, left, and Johnstone Sound presenter and local councillor John Hood, rightLocal resident Rachael Smith, with Johnstone Sound secretary Alisdair Connell, left, and Johnstone Sound presenter and local councillor John Hood, right (Image: Colin Mearns)

Rachael believes that getting the bandstand back into use would be a real boost for the town centre.

“I think it would lift people’s spirits, and bring people together,” she said.

“When I’ve tried to find live music nearby, the nearest place is often Paisley. So it would be great to have some live music on the bandstand for everyone to enjoy.

“Johnstone’s got quite a lot to offer - restaurants, bars, shops etc. But it does lack live music on a Saturday afternoon!”

The bandstand has been in Johnstone town centre since 1891The bandstand has been in Johnstone town centre since 1891 (Image: Colin Mearns)

After receiving many messages of encouragement from both musicians keen to perform and locals excited to listen, Rachael started looking into the logistics - but was a little taken aback by the amount of paperwork required.

“There’s a lot of admin,” she said. “You need insurance, permits.

“The council sent a big long form to fill out. It asks about stewards, marshalls, first aid, toilets - I thought ‘Oh my goodness!’”

Rachael then got in touch with local community radio station Johnstone Sound, who occasionally broadcast from the bandstand and help run the Christmas light switching-on event there each December.

Alisdair Connell, secretary of Johnstone Sound, said the station had been thinking of ways to get more use out of the bandstand and was delighted to hear from Rachael.

“We’re very excited about it and very keen to work with Rachael,” Alisdair said.

“It’s early days yet and we’re still working things out, but the idea is to have family-friendly, live music community events that are free for all to attend.”

Johnstone & Elderslie councillor John Hood, right, called the bandstand initiative a fantastic ideaJohnstone & Elderslie councillor John Hood, right, called the bandstand initiative "a fantastic idea" (Image: Colin Mearns)

Alisdair agrees that live music would be great for Johnstone, as well as providing a platform for local performers.

“The bandstand is slap bang in the middle of Johnstone town square,” he said. “There can be quite a lot of people around, so it would really add to the atmosphere of the town centre.

“It would be a good way of showcasing local talent as well. There are loads of fantastic musicians in Johnstone and the wider area.

“Historically, the bandstand was a real hub for the town’s activities. Now, it’s totally underutilised, which is a real shame. So it would be great to see it being used again.”

The 19th century bandstand is slap bang in the middle of Johnstone town squareThe 19th century bandstand is "slap bang in the middle of Johnstone town square" (Image: Colin Mearns)

Though plans are in their preliminary stages, Rachael and Alisdair are hoping to have events running next spring.

“If anybody has planning or organisational skills, or they want to volunteer on the day, we’d love to hear from you,” Rachael said. “Or anybody who wants to play or perform, you’re more than welcome to.”

While the events will be free to attend, there are costs involved in running them, so anybody with any fundraising ideas, or businesses interested in sponsorship opportunities are also encouraged to get in touch.

Those interested in getting involved should join the ‘Bring live music back to Johnstone bandstand’ Facebook page or contact Johnstone Sound via their website at johnstonesound.com.

Live music on the bandstand could be a game changer said Cllr Hood, rightLive music on the bandstand could be a game changer said Cllr Hood, right (Image: Colin Mearns)

A Renfrewshire Council spokesperson added: “We welcome ideas and proposals from our local communities and cultural groups on ways to reinvigorate our town centres and villages.

“The Johnstone Bandstand is in the heart of the town and it would be great to see this iconic landmark used as the backdrop for musical performances in the future.”