Scotland's employment and investment minister Tom Arthur has urged Paisley residents to support businesses and projects in their town during Scotland Loves Local Week.

In a visit arranged by Paisley First and Scotland’s Towns Partnership (STP), Mr Arthur saw the finishing touches being put to the Big Art Show opening at The Art Department on August 30.

He was briefed on plans to transform the former Mannequins nightclub on Old Sneddon Street into Scotland’s first dedicated theatre for children, young people, and families - to be called The Exchange.

With Alfredo Nutini at his fish and chip shop Castelvecchi, not far from the star celebrating the businessman's celebrity son Paolo Nutini, the minister discussed the importance of family businesses.

Mr Arthur also joined Paisley First in signing the Scotland Loves Local Pledge.

Mr Arthur said: "Local businesses are the bedrock of our communities, and support more than 1.2 million jobs throughout Scotland, which is why I am delighted to support Scotland Loves Local Week 2024.

"Shopping locally helps to keep businesses open, people in jobs, and prosperity in our villages, towns, and cities.

"The Scottish Government continues to work closely with Scotland’s Towns Partnership to drive forward the Scotland Loves Local campaign, which puts localism and thriving town centres at the heart of a green, fair, and growing economy."

The MSP for Renfrewshire South was joined on his town tour by Paisley MSP George Adam and Paisley First chair Elaine Templeton.

They visited The Art Department, where Steven Thomson, Outspoken Arts creative director, shared details of the organisation’s transformation of the former Allders Department Store into a pop-up arts venue.

The pop-up venue's latest event, the Big Art Show, runs from August 30 until November 16 and features over 1,500 artworks from across the globe.

In the floor above The Art Department, Mr Arthur met PACE Theatre Company's chief executive Grant Mason, who showed him the pop-up performance space that has been created in the building while plans for the Exchange on Old Sneddon Street are ongoing.

Scotland Loves Local Week is organised by STP, which spearheads the wider Scotland Loves Local initiative with the support of the Scottish Government, to promote local businesses and projects that rejuvenate communities.

The Scotland Loves Local Pledge can be signed by people, businesses, and organisations at