A well-loved Elderslie pharmacist has celebrated 20 years of working in the local community. 

Asif Ghafoor, 49, has dedicated his working life to the Reach Pharmacy on Main Road in Elderslie where every day he sets out to “do something positive for local people and be a good human being.”

Colleague Sam Tahir, who has worked in Asif’s pharmacy for five years, said: "He’s an inspiration. I wouldn’t normally say that out loud but he’s perfect at what he does. 

“They don’t make them like him anymore. I've worked in the pharmacy business for a long time and anyone that I've worked with doesn't even come close to matching up to his level."

Asif is also incredibly popular with the locals in the village who often pop in to thank him and send cards following his care and service. 

He said: “One of my customers said to me that I could easily work my way round all the houses in Elderslie being invited in for tea every night, nobody would say no and that’s such a lovely feeling.

“I stay in the West End of Glasgow but Elderslie is my home. This is where my heart is now."

Reflecting on how his job has evolved over the past two decades according to Asif who said: “I think the image of a pharmacist to most people will be, they're just in the pharmacy sticking labels on, checking drugs. That image is now totally gone.

“I'm getting involved in everything, you name it, I'm doing it. The future for pharmacy is very, bright and once I get my independent prescribing course done my responsibilities will go even further."

Despite his seemingly ever-increasing workload, Asif is sure he wouldn’t be able to do it without all his colleagues.

He added: “I’ve worked very hard but I’ve got an amazing team, they couldn’t be better, I love them to bits."

Asif and his teamAsif and his team (Image: Newsquest)

Asif is uniquely passionate about helping the people of Elderslie but he has also played an indirect part in helping inspire people to help further afield. 

He said: “My cousin is now a cancer consultant in Australia. When she was in school, I introduced her to the working environment of the pharmacy. Now to see her grow up and do what she’s doing now makes me very happy.

“I also took my boss’s son under my wing, his dad said there’s no way he would go to do pharmacy and now he’s a qualified pharmacist. They’re two really memorable moments for me."

Asif is clear that the key to being a good pharmacist is “being friendly, open and empathetic, once you’ve got the basics right then professional knowledge kicks in and they really complement each other.” 

He added: “Pharmacy is a good profession but only do it if you’re passionate, you’ve got to have something inside you that’s more than just going after money. 

“I love my job, it is stressful and you need to work hard but I’ll do anything for anyone."