A Johnstone resident has left primary school teaching to pursue her passion of bringing yoga to her local area.  

Louise Campbell began organising yoga classes under her own brand Hart Yoga last August after growing tired of travelling into Glasgow to attend sessions.

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After celebrating the one-year anniversary of classes beginning Louise has decided to give herself “time to really invest in the yoga and expand our offering”.

She said: “We’ve built such a nice little community. I’d like to take the classes to the places where it might not normally be considered an option.

“A lot of people have said to me they've been searching for classes closer to home. I think it's really opened up the possibilities of yoga to people.

“I’d like to do taster sessions and more weekend classes. The main aim is to be able to invite the whole family and do a little bit of something for everyone.”

Hart Yoga currently puts on three classes per week and recently hosted a special “half day retreat” with a number of regular customers to celebrate the one-year anniversary. 

Louise said: “We did different types of yoga, made our own massage oils and had nibbles and champagne. 

"I was thrilled to ribbons, my heart was really bursting by the end of it. I created this thing to help people and it just felt really great.” 

Classes are currently held on Wednesdays and Sundays with a group of 25 people alternating in and out to fill the 15 spaces in classes each week. 

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Louise is a big believer in yoga being for everyone and this is reflected in the makeup of her classes.

She said: “We’ve got people in their early twenties, in their sixties, new mums, a mix of men and women and also pregnant ladies who have said it really helped them.

“I appreciate signing up for a class can be a bit daunting but it's not about being able to stand on your head; it's about being able to tie your shoelaces when you're 80."

She added: "It's a workout for life, it's not a beach body go-to, it's more about making sure that we can continue to live a good healthy life." 

To book classes or find more information Hart Yoga can be contacted at @hart_yoga on Instagram and through email: louise@hartyoga.co.uk.