A 'dangerous' man who repeatedly followed or approached lone women in the street before sexually assaulting three victims has been caged.

Jonathan King pleaded guilty at the High Court in Kilmarnock on July 22, 2024, to eight charges after his victims gave evidence.

The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) say the 38-year-old’s offending took place at various locations in Paisley between February 2019 and November 2021.

(Image: Police Scotland)

The sex offender targeted a 16-year-old girl at Fountain Gardens and Love Street on February 22, 2019.

According to the COPFS, he approached the girl and put his arm around her before asking for a kiss.

After that, the brute then seized her by the hair and pursued her as she tried to walk away before sexually assaulting her.

Meanwhile, on August 14, 2021, the creep caused fear or alarm by repeatedly following several women on the High Street, Gilmour Street, and County Square areas of the town.

On the same day, King targeted another woman and attempted to engage her in conversation.

He then followed her and failed to stop when asked to do so.

Following that, on September 23, 2021, the criminal targeted three separate women in the town centre.

He repeatedly followed one woman and attempted to strike up a conversation with her.

King then assaulted her by grabbing her hand and attempting to force it behind her body.

He then subjected another two victims to sexual assaults after approaching them in the Glen Lane and Fountain Gardens areas.

The COPFS say King admitted breaching bail conditions after being ordered not to physically approach any female who was not a family member, friend or acquaintance except inadvertently in everyday life on November 7, 2021.

At the High Court in Glasgow on Wednesday, August 21, King was given an extended sentence of eight years and six months, with 54 months in custody.

On top of that, his name has been added to the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Meanwhile, a Sexual Harm Prevention Order was also granted for a period of five years.

Scotland’s Procurator Fiscal for High Court Sexual Offending, Katrina Parkes said: “Jonathan King is an opportunistic and dangerous individual who poses a risk to women. 

“His victims should have been safe going about their daily business but were instead targeted by this predatory individual.  

“His behaviour is truly alarming and has no place in society. I hope this prosecution and conviction brings some comfort to all those affected by his actions. 

“I would also urge any other victims of similar offending to speak out. COPFS will do everything in our power to ensure perpetrators are brought to justice.” 

Detective Inspector Russell Paton said: “The behaviour of King was appalling, and he showed complete and utter contempt for the sexual offences he committed and the fear he inflicted upon his victims by following them.

“There is no hiding place for offenders like this, he will now rightly face the consequences of his actions.

“We have detectives dedicated to investigating such offences.

"You can be assured that you will be fully supported by officers and our partner agencies."