A CONCERNED politician has warned “people are suffering” amid growing pressures affecting health and social care in Renfrewshire and beyond.

Councillor Iain McMillan sounded the alarm after a report on Scotland’s integration joint boards (IJBs) – decision-making bodies for health and social care partnerships (HSCPs) – was published by the Accounts Commission.

The paper included a series of key messages, which covered the “unprecedented” challenges facing IJBs, the difficulty caused by “complex governance systems” and the struggle to recruit and retain a skilled workforce.

Councillor McMillan, member of Renfrewshire IJB and Labour representative for Johnstone South and Elderslie, fired: “The bottom line is – politics aside and all the rest of it – people are suffering because services are being cut.”

The Accounts Commission findings come as Renfrewshire HSCP contends with the prospect of a funding gap of around £11.835 million for 2025/26.

Previous estimates have suggested this could climb to as much as £34.984m in 2026/27.

The IJB has already decided to close Montrose Care Home in Paisley, however, a controversial proposal to merge Mirin and Milldale day services was ultimately rejected.

Councillor McMillan added: “We’ve got a meeting in September, which isn’t that far away now, and I don’t know what’s going to be coming forward. I have absolutely no idea what they’re proposing.

“Obviously last year probably only just scratched the surface and we know how controversial that was, so who knows what it’ll be like when the situation is even worse.

“I speak to Labour colleagues throughout Scotland about IJBs and we’re all in the same boat. There’ll be some doing slightly better than others but basically everybody is struggling.”

The Accounts Commission said the financial outlook for IJBs “continues to weaken” and cautioned of “more challenging times” to come.

The sustainability of the format has been called into question by Councillor McMillan, who admitted: “I’ve never been a great fan of IJBs. I just think they lack accountability and they’re not very democratic. But to me, it sounds as if they are failing. They’re not doing what they were set out to do.”

Councillor Jennifer Adam, chair of the IJB and SNP representative for Paisley Northeast and Ralston, said: “The IJB continues to work closely with HSCP officers to look at ways we can address our budget gap in all areas where it is possible for savings to be applied.

“This overarching approach was agreed by all IJB members at the meeting in June. The process is ongoing, but we are not planning to consider any new savings proposals at our meeting in September.”