A controversial planning application for 31 flats has been approved nearly five years after it was submitted.

The proposal to build on vacant land to the south-west of Stanely Park Care Home on Paisley's Stanely Road was received by Renfrewshire Council on December 5, 2019.

The application put forward by Robert Potter and Partners LLP on behalf of Stanely Homes Ltd outlined plans for three four-storey high blocks of flats, two of which would include an additional level with a recessed penthouse.

Last Wednesday, July 17, planning permission was finally granted subject to conditions for the development, despite planners receiving 16 representations raising concerns about the proposal.

The concerns raised included issues such as privacy, road safety and an increase in traffic, potential damage to property, noise pollution and the impact on wildlife.

These, however, were addressed by planners in the report of handling issued with the decision.

A total of 11 conditions were attached to the approval by the planning authority who said the "land use is appropriate for the location which is characterised by residential land uses".

Among the conditions, is that three months after the occupation of the last flat, a road safety audit must be carried out.

Development will also not be able to take place until a bird hazard management plan has been submitted to and approved by the council.

The submitted plan must include details of management of flat/shallow pitched/green roofs on buildings within the site which may be attractive to roosting, nesting or loafing birds.

According to the report of handling, this condition is necessary in order to minimise the attractiveness to birds which could endanger the safe movement of aircraft and the operation of Glasgow airport. 

According to planning documents, the flats will be built on the southern and eastern areas of the site and will be mainly flat-roofed with a tiered step at upper levels with recessed balconies.

Vehicular and pedestrian access will be from Stanely Road and the site will include 59 parking spaces, three of which will be disabled spaces.

An updated site plan submitted in May 2024, showed the proposed junction and site access site had been moved south on Stanely Road.

This followed consultation with the roads department.

The proposals also outlined plans for the retention of trees and tree and shrub planting on site. 

One tree will need to be removed to accommodate site access.

"Due to the relocation of the proposed access, it is proposed to remove a tree at the site frontage," added the report of handling.

"However landscaping is proposed along the site boundaries and internally within the development."