A Renfrewshire Councillor is encouraging residents to attend a drop-in consultation tomorrow on the future of Holmpark in Bishopton.

Bishopton Community Development Trust (BCDT), who own the land, have received an offer from a developer to buy nearly half of the site which could see this part become home to a supermarket and a second retail building or gym facility.

The offer, however, is subject to planning consent from Renfrewshire Council which would be sought by the developer.

According to BDCT who are seeking the community's views to "establish appetite" for the idea, this sale would raise a capital land receipt of circa £1.2 million which they would seek to use to "create pitches to sports association standards" and upgrade the existing social club facilities.

A statement by the group said: “The trust board have explored other options to provide a capital receipt which would be sufficient to improve the wider facilities to an acceptable standard for the whole community.

“Therefore, we have reviewed the option to sell land on the south-east of Holmpark and have received an offer from a developer to purchase four acres for retail and commercial development which is on land closest to the community centre.

“This would likely consist of a retail store such as an Aldi/Lidl and a second building which would be marketed as further retail or a gym facility.

“The total site area of Holmpark, excluding the land the sports and social club sits on, is circa nine acres.”

The trust was created a number of years ago to take legal ownership of the land and pursue funding for the sporting development of Holmpark for the whole Bishopton community.

As we previously reported, BAE Systems completed the transfer of the recreation ground to BCDT in 2017.

While the land has never been owned by Bishopton Rugby Club, Holmpark is home to the side who have 30 years' of history at the site.

BDCT said that prior to announcing this proposal, they have tried to seek additional funding support from various sources including BAE Systems and Renfrewshire Council and grant support from the Scottish Government and sporting organisations such as sportsscotland with “little success”.

As such they have sought to raise their own capital via other means, i.e the potential sale of land assets.

Another option, they say they have explored in this regard is the demolition of the existing social club to be replaced by new residential housing with a new club constructed on the Holmpark site and with receipt of monies funding the upgrades.

This option they said, however, of “new residential did not yield a sufficient land receipt to progress a viable solution for the upgrading of the sports facilities and clubhouse.”

The proposed sale, which has been already prompted heated debate within the community, was due to be voted on at the trust’s AGM tomorrow night (Tuesday, July 16).

In a fresh statement issued by BDCT last Wednesday, however, the proposed AGM at the community centre was changed to a consultation drop-in.

It read: “There has been a lot of noise in the local community following correspondence that was issued regarding the forthcoming AGM which was being used to outline a potential proposal for the sale of land at Holmpark with the agreement of trust membership.

“The proposed AGM on Tuesday, July 16 at the community centre, will now be a consultation drop in from 7pm to 8.30pm.

“There will be no sit down presentation, however, the board will be available to answer any questions and gain an understanding from the community of the appetite for this type of project.”

The AGM will now be rearranged for a date later in the month.

Councillor James MacLaren, who will be heading along to the event, told the Gazette: “A number of people have contacted me and spoken to me about this.

“I hope that local residents will also attend to let the trust know their views on this matter.

"I personally feel that it is too hasty to be selling off land to raise funds.

“Where does this end? The village needs the land for recreational purposes whether that be rugby, football, or just walking the dog.”

Councillor Fiona Airlie-Nicolson added: “As part of the process there will be a consultation and I am sure that the proposals will be fully considered by the local community as part of the planning process.

“I hope that all views will be considered by the applicant and the planning department, if and when, an application is submitted.

“I will, like all elected members, fully consider the plans and form a view once those have been developed.”