A local MSP recently met with people recovering from addiction during a visit to a residential rehab centre.

Natalie Don, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, made a trip to Abbeycare in Erskine to speak with residents and aftercare group members about their experiences with addiction and how they recovered.

She heard about the centre's life-changing drug and alcohol detoxification and rehabilitation services.

The facility, housing various programmes including harm reduction interventions, counselling and aftercare services, provides care for people with alcohol and drug addictions.

MSP Don also spoke to employees of the facility, many of whom are former rehab patients using their lived experiences to provide care for new residents.

The minister for Children, Young People and The Promise in the Scottish Government, said: "I was very grateful to have the opportunity to visit Abbeycare residential rehab centre in Erskine to get an insight into the vital care and support they provide to people across the constituency and beyond.

"Drug and alcohol addictions are significant issues in Scotland, causing damage to individuals, their loved ones, and entire communities.

"Facilities like Abbeycare are crucial to reducing the harms and providing effective intervention and treatment, tying in closely with the Scottish Government’s national commitments."

In April, Christina McKelvie, Scotland’s drugs and alcohol policy minister, also took a tour of the centre.

Liam Mehigan, operations director at Abbeycare, said: "We were delighted to welcome Natalie to our centre in Erskine to tell her about the important work we do supporting people in recovery from drug and alcohol addictions.

"During her tour of our facilities, she was able to hear first-hand from the people we treat about the life-changing impact that abstinence-based rehab and detox services can have.

“Many of our staff are her local constituents, so it was great for them to meet their local MSP and tell her about the incredible work they do every day.

"We believe that residential rehab has a key role to play in reducing the number of people dying in Scotland due to drugs and alcohol misuse, alongside other specialist crisis and stabilisation services."