A play park in Renfrew has been given a makeover – work that has been welcomed in the community.

The refurbishment of the facility at Victory Gardens is now complete, an elected member confirmed on social media.

Councillor Jim Paterson, an SNP representative for Renfrew South and Gallowhill provided an update on the project to his constituents.

He told residents the park – which has followed others in Tinto Square and Netherhill Road in receiving investment – has passed its safety inspection.

Councillor Paterson told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: “Improving outdoor spaces has been a key ambition of the SNP administration at Renfrewshire Council.

“This is the third park in the ward two area to be refurbished in the last two years and the feedback I have had from residents has been overwhelmingly positive.

“The impact of having access to modern and safe outdoor facilities cannot be underestimated and I know that residents welcome this type of investment in their local areas.”