A Ukrainian student made a three-day journey to attend her graduation ceremony in Paisley.

Anna Konovalenko had to travel to the border with Poland by road as the ongoing war in her homeland meant no flights were leaving the country.

After the days-long travel, Anna, 21, joined her peers at Paisley Abbey for the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) ceremony.

She said: “It was not an easy journey. Even getting to the border under these circumstances is difficult.

“Less than 24 hours before the ceremony, I was trapped at the border and had no idea if I’d even make it.

“The university said I could graduate at any ceremony which I am very grateful for – but it means a lot to me to graduate alongside classmates who have become lifelong friends, and supported me during this difficult time.”

She was living in Kyiv when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, leading her family to relocate to the west of the country to a small town.

She added: “Even there we could not avoid the shelling. I really wanted to stay in Ukraine – but as the situation continued to escalate, it became clear that it was not safe to do so.

“I moved to Ireland, before seeking opportunities to study abroad.”

She chose to study a BA in Journalism at UWS, hoping to document stories from her home nation during wartime to ensure they do not go untold.

She said: “I knew that if I left the country, I wanted to do something useful – something that supported those defending the country. This is why I decided to pursue a career in journalism.

“I was always aware that journalism was important, but the invasion of Ukraine highlighted that it was essential – not only in highlighting acts of bravery, but in ensuring the war remains in the public consciousness.

“It has been important to me to highlight what women have done to ensure economic growth in Ukraine during the war, how the conflict has impacted education and the environment. Journalism and journalists provide that platform.

“It’s also important to ensure that Ukraine is not defined by the war.”

During her time in Scotland, Anna became involved with the Scot Baby Box appeal, collecting donations for newborn babies in Ukraine.

She also volunteered at a charity shop in Ayr and continued to write about the situation in her home country.

Following her studies, Anna returned to Kyiv, uncertain if she’d be able to journey back to Scotland for her graduation.

She said: “It was important for me to go home at this time – to show support for Ukraine. There was no question to me as to this being the right thing to do.

“It always feels good to come back, and remind myself just how beautiful Ukraine is. That’s something I want to share with the world – and the friends I’ve made at UWS.

“One day, I look forward to welcoming them here to visit – to see the countryside, to taste the food, to meet the wonderful people here and discover what Ukraine is really all about.

“UWS has offered great support. The professors and everyone I met always showed their kindness. I feel like I’ve learned a lot, and I’m proud of graduating – but more than anything, I’m proud of my country.”