A care home service for children and young people in Renfrewshire has received a positive report from the Care Inspectorate.

Nether Johnstone House in Barochan Road in Johnstone received an unannounced visit from an inspector last month.

The service is provided by Julia Stewart Ltd and is registered to provide care and accommodation for up to seven children and young people, aged between eight and 20 years.

At the time of the inspection, there were three young people living at the house which is set in private grounds in a semi-rural location and provides spacious and comfortable accommodation.

Using a six-point scale where 1 is unsatisfactory and 6 is excellent, it was rated as “4 – good” for “how well do we support children and young people's rights and wellbeing?”.

Several key messages were included in the report which was published this month.

It was found that young people felt safe and were being protected from harm and abuse.

The inspector described the staff team as skilled and providing nurturing care to those living there.

The report also said there was a strong focus on relational based practice from staff who understood the impact of trauma.

Young people were reported to be achieving well in education and employment.

It was also stated that personal plans needed to have clear and achievable goals.

Lastly, it was said that the service needs to develop a continuing care policy and needs to ensure that all staff attend training in adult protection.

In preparing for the inspection, the Care Inspectorate reviewed information about the service.

This included previous inspection findings, registration information, information submitted by the service and intelligence gathered since the last inspection.

In making their evaluations, they spoke with two people using the service, eight members of staff and management and two visiting professionals, as well as observing practice and daily life and reviewing documents.

In addition, the Care Inspectorate received MS survey responses from three young people, eight staff members and four visiting professionals.

No complaints have been upheld since the last inspection, the report added.