Planned works to upgrade the hockey pitch at the On-X Linwood – which are expected to start next month – have been dubbed a “signature statement”.

Paisley’s Kelburne Hockey Club were delighted after a deal to replace the existing surface at the sports centre in Brediland Road was approved by Renfrewshire Council’s finance, resources and customer services policy board.

The refurbishment – which will see the pitch meet Federation for International Hockey (FIH) standards – will pave the way for all of the club’s teams to return home.

We previously reported that the current surface is only suitable for lower-level hockey leagues, meaning Kelburne’s senior sides have instead been based at Glasgow Green.

A Kelburne statement said: “We’re very excited to learn of the news from Renfrewshire Council on the awarding of this contract to replace the hockey pitch at Linwood On-X with a delivery date of October this year.

“This is a fantastic opportunity to bring back all our teams to Paisley as governing body rules precluded us from using Linwood in the past.

“Currently, we use Linwood for Saturday youth (jockey) hockey and some local district team matches but with the new pitch we now have one single base for training throughout the week, league matches at weekends for all our home team matches, coupled with the fantastic opportunity of increasing and improving our youth programme with schools which is partially in place today.

“We’re currently serving Renfrewshire primary schools with in-house coaching and both primary and secondary at consolidated coaching classes at Linwood every Wednesday night during April, May and June and these have been well-attended.

“What the new pitch allows us to do is to expand this programme and generate more activities in partnership with the Active Schools programme who we work closely with today.”

The contract – which could prove to be worth just over £545,000 – was given the green light by councillors on Thursday.

It should see works begin from mid-July and finish in October.

Kelburne added: “For Renfrewshire Council, this truly is a signature statement from them by supporting hockey under the ongoing regeneration of Linwood On-X as a multi-sports venue.

“This will be seen as an exceptional addition to Renfrewshire’s sporting portfolio with what will be the very first installation in Scotland of the latest ‘new innovation dry-turf pitch’ certified by our governing body (FIH) and quite simply putting Renfrewshire and Scotland on the UK map for hockey innovation and excellence.

“The project team who delivered this from a standing start in January 2024 should be commended for their hard work and determination to deliver this project into reality in such a short space of time.

“This will pay dividends when the pitch is finally installed by mid-October 2024 and our clubs can start playing on home-turf once again – something that we’re really looking forward to.”