A school in Johnstone is the first in Scotland to earn a gold Kitemark music award.

St Anthony’s Primary School received the accolade from We Make Music Scotland.

The gold level award recognises the musical achievements of the pupils and the efforts of staff and parents in promoting musical education and participation.

Pupils at the school are encouraged to learn music and singing appropriate to their level.

Activities range from joining the choir, learning to play an instrument and engaging in classroom singing, to performing in concerts and stage shows.

(Image: Renfrewshire Council)

The school's emphasis on music was highlighted last year when its pupils were the first school outside the US to perform Frozen, with the backing of Scottish Opera and Disney.

Jacqui McBurnie, the head teacher, said: "I am so proud and delighted that all the hard work and determination to deliver a high quality musically experience for our children, along with the passion for music that exists in our school, has been recognised with us receiving this award."

John Wallace CBE, MEPG convener of We Make Music Scotland, said: “St Anthony’s is an amazing school. How many schools would you go into to find the P1 teacher with a saxophone slung around his neck, and the P7 teacher strumming a guitar?

"The commitment of its headteacher, teachers, support staff, children, and parents (who played with the children in the orchestra) to a rich quality, holistic learning environment is life-affirming and is an example to us all.

"After experiencing their music making, I genuinely feel we should up their gold award to platinum.”

Neil Millar, senior education officer for learning, teaching and assessment (expressive arts, culture and creativity) at Education Scotland, said: “I am delighted to support the awarding of Scotland’s first-ever Gold Kitemark Music award to St Anthony’s Primary School.

"It’s clear the significant impact Music and the Expressive Arts make on the pupils and staff; it permeates the culture and ethos which is great to see.

"As a result, the pupils are articulate, confident and have a passion for their learning, which is having an impact across other areas of the curriculum such as Literacy.

"On behalf of Education Scotland, I offer my congratulations to all the staff and pupils in achieving this award: it is richly deserved.”