A housing association has been given the green light to build five houses in Johnstone.

The proposals relate to land to the north of Ryefield Avenue and permission has been granted subject to nine conditions.

The plans, which were submitted last September and approved this week, show a terrace of two-storey, two-bedroom dwellings with a buff brick finish and concrete, grey roof tiles.

The houses will also have pitched roofs and, due to the topography of the site, a slight step up in levels from north to south.

The application site is an area of open grassed land between Kilbarchan Road and Ryefield Avenue.

The development, which comprises modestly sized homes each with a private space to the rear, will front Beech Road.

Immediately to the west of the site, planning permission was previously granted for 31 affordable dwellings.

The proposals approved this week are set to be developed by the same applicant, Linstone Housing Association.

The site is currently vacant and was previously occupied by flats which have been demolished.

In their report of handling, planners said that the plans are "sympathetic to the character and appearance of the surrounding area" and "complimentary to the previously approved residential development that adjoins the site.”

One of the conditions of planning approval is that in the interests of archaeological heritage the developer shall secure the implementation of an archaeological watching brief.

This is to be carried out by an archaeological organisation acceptable to Renfrewshire Council as planning authority, during development work.