A drunk man travelled to Glasgow with his toddler and three bottles of wine.

The 29-year-old who we can't name for legal reasons was spotted by ScotRail staff at a station on October 4, 2023.

The Paisley man was in the doorway, stopping others from entering the waiting room.

A worker asked him to move, to which he replied: “I will f**king do that if you do what I asked. Go get me a f**king taxi for me and my baby”.

When a train arrived, he struggled to open the doors and a passer-by called BTP and told them the man was intoxicated while caring for a child.

He managed to board and got off at Glasgow Central around 1.35pm.

Police officers saw him trying to buy a ticket but his card was declined.

He appeared drunk and was staggering and slurring his words as cops spoke to him.

Officers asked how old the child was, he said two. He then became erratic, telling police to “f**k off”.

He was instructed to calm down so as not to upset the kid but he continued to shout and had his fists up.

He told cops: “That’s my f**king son”.

He was asked to calm down once again and asked how much alcohol he had drank. He replied: “Three pints and half a bottle of wine”.

He continued his aggressive conduct, saying: “I am not doing any harm, you are out your nut”.

The dad was arrested and handcuffed. He said: “You are not taking my f**king wain, where is my f**king wain?”. He was told the child was in the pram to his left.

He said: “Scumbags” and lunged in the direction of a police officer, so he was restrained.

He replied: “Who are you talking to, you f**king p***k, where is my f**king son?”

He also called cops “rat b*****ds” and “scumbags”.

He was taken to the ground after he said he was going to “f**king mental”.

More officers were called in to help. The man stood up and walked to the ticket barriers.

Contact was made to the child’s mother to come and collect him and the man was searched.

Three bottles of wine were found on him.

He was taken to Cathcart police station, where he was cautioned and charged. He was then released.

The man appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court last week after he pleaded guilty to being drunk while in charge of the toddler and acting aggressively.

His lawyer said: "He agreed to do unpaid work, despite what the report suggests."

Sheriff Mark McGuire noted: "The report is particularly negative."

The lawyer replied: "He is honest enough to say that he has relapsed and has difficulties. He accepts that. He is very ashamed. This is very much a lesson learned."

The dad was sentenced to 120 hours of unpaid work, 12 months of supervision and ordered to engage with alcohol counselling.