Gold medal winners of the Royal National Mòd in Paisley will perform at the Mòd Chesapeake in the US this August.

The visit forms part of Emma MacLeod and Iain Cormack's reward for securing the prestigious medals last year for Gaelic song at the annual music festival.

The pair will perform and teach two workshops as ambassadors in Maryland on August 3, and attend a celebratory dinner and cèilidh.

Hosted by Sgoil Gàidhlig Bhaile an Taigh Mhòir, Mòd Chesapeake represents a significant milestone in the Royal National Mòd's international outreach, fostering connections with diaspora communities.

Emma, originally from Scalpay, is a previous Traditional Gold Medallist and Iain, who is from Skye but now resides in Glasgow, comes from a long line of Mòd Gold Medallists and sang the song his father sang 40 years ago when he won the Gold Medal himself.

The Gazette: The pair will perform and teach two workshops as ambassadors in Maryland on August 3, and attend a

Emma said: “I am thrilled to be given the opportunity to go overseas to Mòd Chesapeake as a Gaelic Ambassador, alongside Iain.

"It’s a great honour to travel so far afield to share my love and passion for the Gaelic language, culture and song.

“Being able to represent Gaelic internationally is not just a privilege but also a testament to the enduring significance of our cultural identity.

"What better way to learn a language than through song? I live for the Mòd and now I get to go to two within a couple of months - delighted.”

Iain said: “It is an honour to be invited to take part in Mòd Chesapeake and I am very proud that I, along with Emma, are to be there as ambassadors for An Comunn Gàidhealach and the Gaelic community as a whole.

"The Mòd has always played a very important part in my life, having competed from childhood into adulthood, and I am very much looking forward to be bringing a small taste of Gaelic language and music to an international stage.

"It is very important to maintain the connection of Gaelic culture with American people of Gaelic descent, and I am sure there will be several attendees at the Mòd that come into that category."

Founded in 2023, the partnership between An Comunn Gàidhealach and Chesapeake Mòd represents a revival of the cultural exchange between both Scottish and American Gaelic enthusiasts.

Liam Ó Caiside, co-founder and adjudicator of Mòd Chesapeake, co-organiser of Gàidhlig Photomac, and president of An Comunn Gàidhealach Ameireaganach, said: "We are really delighted that Iain and Emma will be here in the States for Mòd Chesapeake this year.

"This will be our second regional Mòd in this region – between Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia. Scottish Gaelic learners in the region will get great encouragement from this visit – it’s a big honour.

"We will learn so much from them and I hope they will see how strong the interest is in Scottish Gaelic in this area. They will have a great welcome."

The second annual Mòd Chesapeake will be held at St Vincent Pallotti High School in Laurel, Maryland, US.

For more information, go to

The Royal National Mòd this year will take place in Oban from October 11 to 19.

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