An exceptional Girlguiding leader was awarded the British Empire Medal in Paisley Abbey.

Margaret Rae, known for her extensive career with Girlguiding, was presented with the recognition by Lord Lieutenant Colonel Peter McCarthy.

After starting her Girlguiding journey as a Brownie and later achieving her Queen’s Guide award, Ms Rae held the role of assistant outdoor activities advisor for walking for Renfrewshire county, and later for Scotland.

She also served as her county's Trefoil Guild chair and county president for Girlguiding Renfrewshire.

One of her favourite memories includes a 1957 international camp in Blair Atholl, Scotland.

Ms Rae said: "More recently I had a wonderful Saturday helping at Santaland for Rainbows, complete with Shetland ponies masquerading as reindeer.

"The evening continued the pink sparkles at a Laurel award presentation to a local leader - where else gives you these experiences?

"I could hardly believe I’d been nominated for a BEM and had to read the letter several times to make sure.

"Keeping the secret over Christmas when family visited was especially difficult and resulted in a lot of messaging when the list was published."