A member of Paisley's magic circle has won two prestigious magician's awards.

Josh Tevendale took part in the Scottish Association of Magical Societies' (SAMS) 70th Magic Convention which was held in Largs earlier this month.

He competed in their annual Stage and Close-up magic competitions, winning both events.

And the 31-year-old opened up about his experience. He said: "It is really nice environment as a lot of magicians come together.

"As well as the competitions there are lectures and performances.

"I was up against competitors from across Scotland. You are judged on presentation, showmanship and timing, among other things.

"If it is under eight minutes you are disqualified and the same thing happens if it is over 12 minutes.

"Between eight and nine minutes you get five points, nine to 11 minutes is 10 points."

Despite his success, it was remarkably the first time Josh had been involved in a competition of this magnitude.

And he explained about having little expectations before performing.

"I wanted to see how people would react to my show before I go off to America to do the show on a cruise ship," he continued.

"When I went there and saw that the majority of the audience were magicians then I thought I would be in for a tough performance.

"Thankfully it went well and it was great to receive positive feedback from my peers.

"I was not aware of the extent of the award until after I had won it.

"It then finally sunk in that I am now an award-winning magician.

"I am over the moon to win these awards and hopefully they will lead to more opportunities."

Josh, who is from Dumbarton, turned his hobby into a full-time profession five years ago.

And he detailed how his family and friends reacted to his recent success.

"Everyone who knew was supportive and they were delighted for me when I won," he added.

"I have been doing magic for 10 years. My background is in musical theatre, so I am familiar with being on stage.

"I am now focused on the magic side of things, but I previously did UK and international tours of productions.

"All my family and friends have been really supportive throughout the whole process."