A FORMER leader of the Labour group on Renfrewshire Council has issued an astonishing accusation of “backstabbing” after quitting the party.

Councillor Eddie Devine had been a Labour member for more than 40 years before handing in his resignation on Friday.

The veteran politician had served as group leader since 2017 before being succeeded by Councillor Iain McMillan earlier this year.

Councillor Devine said quitting Labour was an “extremely difficult decision” for him to make because of his long-standing association with the party.

He added: “It was very difficult to finally come to terms with the fact I was going to resign.

“It took me a while to get there because I didn’t want to but I feel I can’t be part of what’s going on in Renfrewshire Labour Party just now.”

When asked to elaborate on his stance, he said: “I find the backstabbing that’s been going on in the past year or so has been intolerable and the way they treated my late colleague Jim Sheridan was the last straw.

“It was disgraceful.”

Mr Sheridan, a former Labour MP and councillor who was suspended by the party twice, died following a period of illness in September.

Councillor Devine, who represents Paisley Southeast, was also environment convener during the Labour administration between 2012 and 2017.

However, Councillor McMillan said his decision to quit had come as “no real surprise.”

He added: “I am disappointed that Eddie has decided to leave the party after all these years but, of course, it is his choice.

“Eddie has not been an active member of the Labour group since he was elected as a Labour councillor in May, so it came as no real surprise that he has resigned from the party.

“The Labour group will continue with its work in both working for the communities it represents and holding the SNP/independent administration of the council to account.”

Councillor Devine responded to those comments by insisting he had been a “very active” representative in his ward since his re-election earlier this year.

A spokesperson for Renfrewshire Labour said: “Councillor Devine’s resignation from the party is a disappointment to all the Labour activists who have given up their time to campaign and get Councillor Devine elected over the years.

“The Labour voters of Paisley Southeast put their cross on the ballot for a Labour councillor, not an independent one.

“Renfrewshire Labour will continue to speak up for the people of Renfrewshire in the council chamber, as we are on their side.”