PEOPLE are being invited to attend an online event tomorrow which aims to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health in Renfrewshire.

The meeting, organised by mental health service Acumen, will take place on Zoom from 12.30pm to 2.30pm as part of Time to Talk Day.

Stephen McLellan, chief executive of Recovery Across Mental Health (RAMH), said it is important to tackle the barriers that prevent people telling others how they feel.

He told The Gazette: “The acceptance of mental ill health is greater now than it has been. However, it is not universal or absolute.

“There is still an awful lot of work to be done to encourage people to come forward. It’s not so much a societal stigma perhaps, it’s how people feel as individuals in sharing their problems.

“They may feel it’s their responsibility to deal with it themselves and that I guess is where we have to make some more headway, to help people acknowledge that it’s okay to talk.”

The charity is especially keen to reach out to rural communities in Renfrewshire, which are understood to have been hit particularly hard by Covid restrictions over the past two years.

Mr McLellan added: “We’re conscious of the impact in rural areas, as there are great swathes of Renfrewshire that are farming or small, semi-isolated communities.

“Throughout the Covid period, we’ve been aiming to make connections with rural farming communities by trying to put on activities so we’re available to listen to people.

“There are some small funds orientated towards rural communities, so we’re trying to access them to increase our capacity and meet the demand that is growing out there.”

Grant Gray, who has experience of depression, bereavement and social isolation, will be leading tomorrow’s discussion about how those struggling with their mental health can reach out for help.

The dad-of-two, from Paisley, said: “I think public awareness and comprehension of mental health has been heightened because of Covid but there are still too many people who struggle in silence.

“Time to Talk Day provides a platform to reach more people, as well as challenging perceptions of stigma around mental health.”

The event is open to those aged 18 and over. To register, send an email to