Plans to install an automated prescription collection service and alterations to a shopfront in Paisley have been approved.

The 1.5 metre by 1-metre machine will provide 24-hour access to prescriptions and will be positioned to the front of a retail unit at 4 Skye Crescent, which will be brought back into active use.

The approved proposals also include enlarging the fascia, installing new windows and installing aluminium cladding on the stall riser and around the prescription collection machine.

Aluminium cladding is also set to be installed on the stall riser and on a column at the adjoining unit at 2 Skye Crescent, and a new sliding door will also be installed on this

In their assessment of the plans, the planning authority stated that the prescription collection machine “would help improve pharmacy services in the area”.

Furthermore, “given (that) the development would be small in nature and (that) the use of both units as a pharmacy does not require planning permission” they also concluded that the proposal “would not damage the viability (of) any nearby centres.”

It was also assessed that the machine would be appropriately positioned and would not detract from the overall appearance of the shopfront.

Plans to increase the extent of the fascia as well as installing windows, aluminium panelling and a new door, raised no concerns in respect of design.

The works were deemed proportionate in scale, both to the shopfronts individually and when viewed across the two units.

“Overall, the development would improve pharmacy services while maintaining the amenity of the surrounding area and would help return a vacant unit to active use,” planners report of handling stated.